Ann Rosén – Wednesday Drawings #1. Borrby November 2020

Arrangör: Vardagsrummet
Event: Stream
Datum: 4 November 2020
Plats: Vardagsrummet, Borrby
Medverkande: Ann Rosén

Wednesday drawings #1 is the first of a series of weekly recurring events on Wednesday evenings featuring Ann Rosén on her Graphite Barrier instrument. By drawing with graphite on paper Ann Rosén creates sound and music in realtime! Join Ann on her exploration of connections and relations using her Graphite Barriere Instrument. Anns work and art deals with inner, personal, interpersonal and external barriers. All her life she has struggled with invisible barriers like those induced by gender, cultural differences, social conventions or the current covid-19 pandemic. Conquering resistance and regarding setbacks as opportunities has become a cornerstone in Anns work-process. The barriers become steppingstones, frames to relate to but also boundaries to cross. Ann Rosén was originally trained as a sculptor and has been active as a sound artist and composer since the 90s. As well as creating sound installations she composes both instrumental and electroacoustic music often utilising her self-made electronic instruments. Ann Rosén is the founder and artistic leader of The Barrier Orchestra and also a founding member of Syntjuntan.

Vardagsrummet – en scen för experimentell ljudkonst och konstmusik / the livingroom sound art and experimental new musik