Anne Pajunen – A gap. Patiently waiting –. Göteborg Mars 2021

Arrangör: Levande Musik
Datum 27 Mars 2021
Artist: Anne Pajunen
Plats: Atalante, Göteborg

Ett solo. I tre vaga delar. (En produktkatalog, en vänskaplig insats och en lucka.)

Ett meddelande skickades till några vänner. Ett elektroniskt fakturasystem krävde numrerade artiklar.
Och så en tredje del.

Anne Pajunen har under mer än 25 år arbetat med nyskapande scenkonst. Repertoaren omfattar, förutom de egna verken, många 1900- och nutida vokalverk. Det är dock främst iscensättningarna och de platsspecifika performanceverken som blivit hennes signum. Med röst, liveelektroniska instrument, video och diverse objekt skapas föreställningar som ofta tar hela rummet i besittning.

A solo effort. Vaguely in three parts. (A product catalogue, a friendly effort, and a gap.)

A message was sent to a number of friends. A recent experience of an electronic invoice system. And then there will be a third part.

For more than 25 years Anne Pajunen has worked with innovative music drama. In addition to her own works her repertoire includes many 1900s and contemporary vocal works. The space and the live situation specifically play an important role in her works. With voice, live electronic instruments and various objects she creates performances that often take possession of the entire room.

– A gap. Patiently waiting – Announced as a solo effort in three parts (vaguely). Well. It took a slightly different turn. The promised product catalogue is postponed for internal administrative reasons. Original ideas were replaced by new, different ones. New works came through, others were altered. The gap remained. It was widened and filled with a different void. The result is a solo performance tinged with dark undertones reflecting the muffled sense of the current reality. All will be well in the end. (Not.) The party is over – long live the party. It’s time (for fishing). (2021), Anne Pajunen Version for voice solo, based on a scene from the performance opera A Fine Day for Fishing, is it? (2019) My Dear Miss Wakeman, from the opera “I, Norton” (2004), Gino Robair Adaptation for voice and video controlled live electronics by Anne Pajunen, using the ‘Pajunen blocks’ representing the original score as a wooden brick game. The aria is based on the letter that Emperor Norton I sent to Minnie Wakeman, and the aria portrays her reading the letter, although the parts of the words are scrambled and detached. Original score consists of 64 syllables and 40 rhythm patterns to be combined. Software code by Fredrik Olofsson. It depends (2021 wp) Anne Pajunen Voice, fixed media, rubber plucky and live electronics. Who are you talking to? When do you lie? Yes, you do. Careful what you wish for…. – with a little help from my friends (2021 wp), Anne Pajunen Some friends received a request for input to the performance. It could be in (pretty much) any shape – vague or precise. These inputs then influenced the performance directly or indirectly. The outcome is this. A seemingly chaotic, but sincere scene for voice, button player, vinyl records and misc. objects. Inputs provided kindly, in very various shapes, by Anna, Ida, Raymond, Fredrik, Gino and Pontus. Thank you. Or – thank them. Party is over (2021 wp), Anne Pajunen Voice, party blowers, live electronics. Software programming by Fredrik Olofsson. A lament and coping strategy. The grand party is not yet over. For more than 25 years Anne Pajunen has worked with innovative music drama. In addition to her own works her repertoire includes many 1900s and contemporary vocal works. The space and the live situation specifically play an important role in her works. With voice, live electronic instruments and various objects she creates performances that often take possession of the entire room. She has performed and toured internationally in Europe, North America and the UK. Recently held a year long music residency at Scenkonst Sörmland, resulting in a series of site-specific interdisciplinary works. Commissions include works for the Swedish Radio, Norrlandsoperan, Folkoperan, Gothenburg Combo among others. Collaborating with sound artist and programmer Fredrik Olofsson since almost 20 years. Together they have developed a number of electronic instruments and interfaces used in live performances.